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Can you refrigerate pizza dough?

Can you refrigerate pizza dough?

Hello Pizza lovers! Welcome to another episode of Pizza Blogs. As you may know the importance of its base in a building, similarly dough stands as a base for pizza. If the dough is subpar, the entire pizza falls flat. It is not always convenient for everyone to make fresh dough every time so one of the most frequently asked questions is can you refrigerate the pizza dough? How long can you refrigerate pizza dough?

Today we are going to find answers to all such queries related to the refrigeration of pizza dough, so let’s start:

Can I refrigerate the pizza dough?

Definitely yes, as it is convenient. You can refrigerate the pizza dough. After mixing and shaping, refrigerate the dough in an air-tight container. However, one has to look for some details to know how long you can refrigerate the pizza dough.

For this let’s explore in detail:

The Ingredients


The ingredients used in the dough also determine its shelf life. The primary ingredients of pizza dough are flour, yeast, water, salt, and oil. Flour is the main and most important. Flour comes in a variety: all-purpose flour, whole wheat, rice flour, gluten free flour, and white flour. Whole wheat flour has a shorter life compared to all-purpose flour. If you want to refrigerate the dough for longer, you have to use all-purpose flour.


Two types of yeast are available. One is dry yeast and the other is instant. Active dry yeast needs to be raised before use while instant yeast can be directly mixed with dry ingredients. Instant yeast has a longer shelf life as compared to active dry yeast.

Water and salt

Water and salt are also necessities for dough flavor and texture. The more gooey dough will rot easily due to high moisture content, so a balanced quantity of water is needed to make a well-formed dough. Salt is added as per taste requirement, high salt content although will increase the life of dough but cause many health hazards. For low salt pizza recipe follow my blog:


Oil helps the dough to roll easily. The type of oil used also affects the shelf life of the dough. Olive oil suits the more for longer life.

How can you refrigerate the pizza dough?

We already have explored the ingredients and details related to the dough, now let’s find out how you can refrigerate it.

The Refrigeration Process

1. Preparation of dough

Once the dough is ready, you have to put it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic sheet wrap and. wrapping will prevent the dough from drying out and keep it away from absorbing fridge odors.

2. Refrigerate the dough in fridge

Set the temperature of refrigerator to range 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit. The best place to refrigerate the pizza dough is at the bottom shelf of the refrigerator as it is the coldest section. After refrigeration, you may want to ask how to use it, let’s move to another part:

How to use after refrigeration of pizza dough?

Take out the pizza dough from the fridge and let it be normal at room temperature for half an hour before shaping it. This will help you ease of shaping and rolling of pizza dough into the required crust shape. It is not always easy to make the pizza dough fresh and for time-saving and next usage, we do.

How Long Can You Refrigerate Pizza Dough?

The answer to this query depends upon the shelf life of ingredients used, storage method, and temperature of the fridge. In normal conditions, pizza dough can last in good condition for 2-3 days. However here are a few guidelines to know in detail:

First, look at the yeast used. Instant yeast has a potentially longer shelf life in the refrigerator, afterward temperature of the fridge, 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit is essential in preventing bacterial growth. More than this temperature will shorten the life span of pizza dough. Lastly, the flour type will decide how long it can be refrigerated. All-purpose flour can stay longer.

The important thing is to always use fresh ingredients for dough making, if the ingredients used have a closed expiry date, it will also affect the shelf life of the dough.

How do I know if pizza dough is bad?

It is very easy to check if the dough has gone bad or not. First, check if any discoloration or an off smell is there. If the dough has turned grey or has a rotten smell, it is better to discard it. Presence of fungus or mold is another sign of spoiled dough. if you see such a sign, don’t use it.

How do I know if pizza dough is bad?


In conclusion, Pizza dough can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Life span of pizza dough also depends on various factors such as the type of yeast used, the temperature of the fridge, and the type of flour used. It is suggested to always use fresh ingredients and refrigerate the dough at the optimal temperature to ensure its longest shelf life.

Can you refrigerate pizza dough overnight?

Yes, refrigeration of pizza dough overnight in fact helps in the generation of a unique and deep flavor to create a delicious pizza. So refrigeration of the pizza dough for 24 hours is allowed and recommended

Can you refrigerate pizza dough in the freezer?

Yes, you can refrigerate the pizza dough in the freezer. Freezing the dough increases the shelf life of the dough. Pizza dough can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. To freeze, wrap the dough in a plastic sheet and place it in an airtight freezer bag.


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