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How to use pasta sauce for pizza sauce?

How to use pasta sauce for pizza sauce?

If you are a pizza lover, you may have known the importance of pizza sauce but have you ever thought or felt a need to use pasta sauce as a substitute? Pasta Sauce and pizza sauce have many similarities and fewer differences and we can swap them but “How to use pasta sauce for pizza sauce? This blog will help you to find out, how can you use pasta sauce for pizza sauce and still love your pizza.

What is Pizza Sauce?

Pizza Sauce is the basic ingredient of a pizza-making recipe. It is the ultimate taste enhancer and a base provider of crust on which all the toppings lie.

Pizza sauce is mostly made up of fresh tomatoes and different herbs are used to enhance its flavor. For detailed recipes, you may visit:

Pizza Sauce is the basic ingredient of a pizza-making recipe. It is the ultimate taste enhancer and a base provider of crust on which all the toppings lie.

Pizza sauce is mostly made up of fresh tomatoes and different herbs are used to enhance its flavor. For detailed recipes, you may visit:

What is Pasta Sauce?

Pasta Sauce is used for Pasta and it complements the flavor of overall pasta. It is not the main element, however, it enhances the flavor and provides binding of other ingredients. In Pasta Sauce, tomatoes are also the main ingredient.

Now let’s find out:

Similarities in Pasta Sauce and Pizza Sauce

Pizza is one of the most popular and loved dishes around the world. Craving for a slice of delicious pizza is something dream of. In pizza, crust, toppings, and cheese are important ingredients but pizza sauce ties them all together creating a delicious pizza.

Both pasta sauce and pizza sauce have similar ingredients like tomatoes, garlic, onions, and herbs. The similarity of the ingredients makes it possible to swap each other.

Difference in Pasta Sauce and Pizza Sauce

Although most of the ingredients in both sauces are the same there is little difference in taste. Another difference is their consistency. Pasta Sauce is thinner as compared to pizza sauce. Pizza sauce is denser in its texture as it has to be used as a base for toppings.

Why to Use Pasta Sauce for Pizza Sauce?

 We have already looked into the similarities and differences, now moving to the main part, why use pasta sauce for pizza sauce? We can use pasta sauce as pizza sauce because both have the same ingredients and with little effort and less time, by just placing it on the stovetop or adding a thickening agent, pasta sauce can be converted into pizza sauce.

You don’t have to make the pizza sauce from scratch and already stored pasta sauce, you can convert it into pizza sauce. It is the best way to use any leftover pasta sauce that you may have in the fridge.

How to Use Pasta Sauce for Pizza Sauce?

You may now want to have an answer on how to use pasta sauce for pizza sauce. And here are the details:

Choose the Right Pasta Sauce

The selection of pasta sauce is important, choose the pasta sauce that will work well as a pizza sauce. The best is the simple without any additional ingredients like meat or vegetables. Simple pasta sauce when converted to pizza sauce will not overpower the pizza toppings but rather will complement them. However, pasta sauce with common herbs like oregano and basil can be used to make pizza sauce.

Adjust the Consistency

As you know, the pasta sauce is thinner than pizza sauce. Now it’s time to make it a little thicker, so it becomes suitable and can be used as a pizza sauce. For this, you have to simmer the sauce on low heat and reduce the moisture content until it thickens. You may also add a thickening agent like tomato paste or corn flour. Let it cool down for use.

Add Seasonings and Herbs

Pasta sauce may not have all the seasonings and herbs that a pizza sauce typically has. To make it more flavorful, add some garlic powder, dried oregano, and dried basil to the sauce. You can also add some red pepper flakes to give it a little kick. Make sure to taste the sauce and adjust the seasonings according to your preference.

Spread it on the Pizza Crust

Now it’s time to spread this sauce on the pizza crust. Spread evenly on the crust using a spoon or a ladle, leaving some space around the edges as that will serve for the pizza crust to rise.

Add Your Chosen Toppings

A variety of toppings are available for a customized pizza taste and preferences. You can choose your favorite toppings and add them above the pizza sauce. Just make sure not to overload the pizza with toppings as the pasta sauce we used is slightly thinner than the actual pizza sauce. Few toppings are suggested to complement the taste of pizza.

Bake Your Pizza

Place the pizza in a preheated oven at a high temperature like 450°F for 12-15 minutes or until the crust turns golden brown. Keep an eye on pizza, it should not be undercooked and not overcooked.

Enjoy Your Pasta Sauce Pizza

Transfer the pizza onto the cutting tray and let it cook for a few minutes. Slice the pizza and serve. You may drizzle the sauce on the pizza for extra flavor.


Pasta Sauce is a great alternative to pizza sauce. You just have to make little changes like thickening the sauce, add some more herbs and there you go for your pasta sauce as pizza sauce. Next time if you are craving for pizza, you may give it a try at home and hope you will enjoy this recipe.

What can I use if I don’t have pizza sauce?

If you don’t have a Pizza Sauce You can use tomato sauce as an alternative of pizza sauce and you can also use pasta sauce with little variations as pizza sauce. For more details to this question you may visit

What sauce is closest to pizza sauce?

As tomato is the main ingredient of Pizza Sauce so sauce is closest to Pizza Sauce.

Can I use regular pasta sauce as pizza sauce?

No you can not use regular pasta sauce as pizza sauce as it is thinner in its texture while for pizza sauce it needs a denser texture of sauce. To use pasta sauce as pizza sauce you have to make it thicker through more heating or by the addition of some thickening agent.


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