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What Is Speck on Pizza?

Speck on pizza

Whenever you are visiting any pizzeria, you may come across to read their menu and details about pizza and their toppings. You may also have noticed the term “Speck” as an ingredient of pizza as a topping. If you find yourself wondering, ‘What is speck on pizza?’ let me explain in more detail:

What Is Speck?

“Speck” is a meat term used for pork products in Europe. It is a salted, dried, and lightly smoked pork leg meat that is not cooked properly. In German, speck is pickled pork fat with chunks of meat. In the Netherlands and Flanders, the word is “spek” which means bacon. This word “speck” was replaced in the eighteenth century from the root word “bachen” related to bacon.


How Speck is used on pizza?

Often, speck is used as a topping for pizza. It is mostly paired with other ingredients like tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. Sometimes, it is combined with gourmet toppings like goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes.

For whom, a speck on pizza is not OK?

Although speck is used as a pizza topping, it is not for everyone. Always read carefully, while ordering from any pizzeria having speck on pizza, as you may be one of the following for whom speck is not ok.

1. Vegetarians

Since speck is a type of meat from cured pork, people having a vegetarian diet will exclude animal products. Thus, speck on pizza will not suit them as per their dietary restrictions.

2. People with Pork Allergies

Some people are allergic or sensitive to pork and related products; thus, they are advised to avoid any dishes containing speck or pork meat. Consuming such a product may cause a trigger. If you are allergic to pork or have a sensitivity to port, it is important for you to carefully review the ingredients before any order.

3. Religious Dietary restrictions

In Islam and Judaism, pork meat and other related products like “speck” are prohibited for human consumption, and it will not be an OK option to consider.

4. People on Low-Sodium Diets

Speck is cured with high sodium, thus it contains a high quantity of salt, and people who are on a low sodium diet have to consider the fact to control their sodium intake in their diet.

5. People with High Cholesterol or Heart Issues

Speck is a form of meat and is high in saturated fats. Healthcare professionals recommend individuals with high cholesterol levels or pre-existing heart conditions, limit the intake of foods high in saturated fats. This is because excessive consumption can exacerbate these health issues. Physicians might suggest reducing or avoiding foods like speck to help manage cholesterol levels and reduce cardiovascular risk.


Speck is not typically considered a fancy or unique name for a pizza topping. It is a high-protein meat derived from pork, known for its smoky and savory flavor. However, speck may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those who follow a vegetarian or kosher diet, or have dietary restrictions related to pork. It is important to review the menu carefully before selecting a pizza with speck as a topping to ensure it meets your dietary preferences and restrictions. This way, you can enjoy your meal without any surprises or issues.

Is Speck on Pizza Halal?

As “Speck” is cured from pork leg while Pork is prohibited as per Islamic law, thus speck on pizza is not considered a “Halal” diet by many Muslims. For a more precise answer, consider consulting a reliable source on halal dietary practices or contacting the pizzeria directly to ensure their menu items meet halal standards https://ifanca.org/.


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